Uganda’s healthcare system is divided into national and district-based levels. At the national level are the national referral hospitals, regional referral hospitals, and semi-autonomous institutions, including the Uganda Blood Transfusion Services, the National Medical Stores, the Uganda Public Health Laboratories and the Uganda National Health Research Organisation (UNHRO).
The district-based health system consists of Village Health Teams (VHTs) who are voluntary community health workers that deliver predominantly health education, preventive and simple curative services in communities and constitute level one health services. Health Centre twos (HCIIs) offer outpatients services and are intended to serve 5,000 people. Health centre threes (HCIIIs) which serve 10,000 people and also provide in patient, simple diagnostic, and maternal health services and are managed by a clinical officer. Above HC III is the Health Centre IV, which is run by a medical doctor and provides surgical services in addition to all the services provided at HC III.
A HC IV is also intended to provide blood transfusion services and comprehensive emergency obstetric care. Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Health is seeking private sector investment to:
1. Increase energy supply in the low rural electrified areas
2. Renovate and equip selected hospitals

East African Medical Vitals (EAMV)
Amount Required USD$ 18M
Type of Project & Investment
Project Type: Expansion
Investment Type: Private
Feasibility Completed