Proposed Project Hospital
Description: Construction of 324 bed capacity specialized modern hospital at Gulu University.
Project Owner: Ministry of Health
Name: Dr Sarah Byakika
Contact: +256 772 423 358 / +256 703 423 358

Proposed Project Bukasa Port- Additional financing
Description: Port Construction
Project Owner: Uganda Rail Corporation
Name: Ochaki Abubakar Namara

Proposed Project Construction of Corner Ayer – Corner Aboke -Bobi Road (55km)
Description: Road Construction
Project Owner: Uganda National Roads Authority
Name: Eng. Isaac Wani
Contact: +256 772 444 472

Proposed Project Development of Airports – Gulu & Arua
Description: Road Construction
Project Owner: Uganda National Roads Authority
Name: Eng. Isaac Wani
Contact: +256 772 444 472

Proposed Project Kihihi-Butogota – Buhoma Road
Description: Road Construction
Project Owner: Uganda National Roads Authority
Name: Eng. Isaac Wani
Contact: +256 772 444 472

Proposed Project Kibuye-Busega Expressway Phases 1&2
Description: Road Construction
Project Owner: Uganda National Roads Authority
Name: Eng. Isaac Wani
Contact: +256 772 444 472
Proposed Project Moroto – Kotido, Kotido-Kaabong and Karenga -Kapedo Road Project
Description: Road Construction
Project Owner: Uganda National Roads Authority
Name: Eng. Isaac Wani
Contact: +256 772 444 472

Proposed Project Soroti – Amuria -Abim Road
Description: Road Construction
Project Owner: Uganda National Roads Authority
Name: Eng. Isaac Wani
Contact: +256 772 444 472
Proposed Project Mpigi – Nakawuka – Kasubi Road
Description: Road Construction
Project Owner: Uganda National Roads Authority
Name: Eng. Isaac Wani
Contact: +256 772 444 472